Personal experiences, personal thoughts, personal feelings, words are still immature and freely available to all.

Aesthetics attracts theology

My conversation with the Japanese monk キッサコ at the other end of the room: "Switzerland is a Catholic country, and in Switzerland there are Catholics and Protestants, and Muslims. As...

The conflict

Buddhism sees the non-existent part, Christianity sees the existing part. Chinese genus, Confucianism of Confucius...

Common diseases in Germanic medicine

Those who have a physical body see a raw spirit that has no physical body, but still lives and shares a society with itself...

Strange amnesia

Four weeks ago I wrote a letter and gave it to the tax office of the municipality of Horw, then I went to the Coop to buy a packet of household paper, put the change the cashier gave me...

Anti-crime psychology

The criminal psyche is rooted in jealousy and revenge; crime-fighting is relegated to forgiveness and harm reduction...

You're my choice(CN)


Blonde hair

The sound of arguing from downstairs filtered down the stairs and through the door into Qiu Qiu's ears, and Qiu Qiu pawed cheerfully at his bed, counting his smelly unwashed socks underneath...